Blooming Gorgeous for your wedding flowers - SWPP florists directory

Florist Newmachar Scotland


3rd March 2025 GMT

Blooming Gorgeous

Blooming Gorgeous
Torryleith Farmhouse
AB21 0QE

tel:- +44 1651 862923
web address:-
Blooming Gorgeous specialises in flowers for weddings in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

This includes the bouquets, buttonholes, corsages and a full service for reception, venue and church flowers including delivery and set-up.

Decoration of the cake and top table is available if required. There is a portfolio of own work to browse through, along with a variety of books and magazines to help you decide on the style and design of your wedding.

It is great to interperet your own ideas into an actual design... just ask!

As a qualified florist I am able to advise you on colours and designs of flowers to suit your dresses and venue.

Click here to find out more

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