Carlton Towers
Wedding Venue
Carlton Towers
East Yorkshire
DN14 9LZ
tel:- +44 1405 861662
fax:- +44 1405 861917
web address:-
Carlton Towers :-
Venue licensed for civil partnership or wedding ceremonies
A magnificent gothic style building with huge chandiliers, a sweeping external staircase, and built in a stunning countryside setting. The accomodation is limited, but for the main wedding party staying at the venue, it is spacious and luxurious.
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Wedding Trivia: TOAST The term originates from the sixteenth century. At that time a small piece of bread would be placed in a goblet of wine. The goblet would be passed from guest to guest until it reached the person being honored who would drain the goblet and eat the morsel of bread in the bottom. This tradition is practiced at weddings today - usually in the form of one or more champagne "toasts". The best man has the honor of giving the first toast. Usually the bride and groom remain seated for the toasts while all the guests are usually standing to honor them. The couple may then make a few remarks thanking their families, wedding party members, and guests. They may also "toast" each other or share a "toast" together. Often special glass or silver goblets are used by the bride and groom.
Convention: There are 0 days to get ready for The Society of Photographers Convention and Trade Show at The Novotel London West, Hammersmith ... which starts on Wednesday 15th January 2025
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