SWPP Newspaper and Magazine Publishers directory

Newspaper and Magazine Directory

Photographic Publications

24th March 2025 GMT

England - Ireland Scotland - Wales - Northern Ireland - USA - Hong Kong

If you are looking for a potential market to sell you images then a huge market exists in magazines and newspapers. Use this directory to locate publications in the field that you are interested in

Find links to Newspaper and Magazines in the UK. 

Some advice on selling your images.

The magazine market is by far the biggest market for the freelance photographer providing many opportunities, with millions of pictures published each month. If you would like to see some profit from your pictures, its really important to make the right approach and research the market carefully.

Taking pictures for the magazine market isn’t only about taking nice shots that your friends will admire or that will look nice on your wall in your lounge. It’s about taking images that will sell to a selective audience, and to accomplish this you must fully understand the market.

Making the assuming that your photography ability is to par - there is no reason that you cannot start submitting your images to photo editors straight away. Start off by selecting the markets that you may have a particular interest in and some background knowledge.

Your first step is to search through this directory and find the magazines that represent your interests. if the titles are unfamiliar to you go and purchase copies of the magazine and ascertain if there any any back issues available. 

Study each image that has been used by the photo editor and then compare the images in the magazine to your own.

On comparison, If your images are every bit as good as the images in the magazine, feel free to submit them. Write or send an e-mail to the photo editor telling them about your work. If you have a website, add it to the e-mail so that the editor can view a sample of your work immediately. If you do send your images by post it is a good idea make sure you include a stamped addressed envelope to get your images back.

Generally, magazines have standard prices for photographs and will pay you after the magazine has gone to print. This differs from magazine to magazine; magazines that sell more normally pay more for their images - the cover picture is normally the best paid, with the double centre being the second, however there is usually some room for negotiation.

Be aware, that if you sell an image to a magazine don’t submit it straight away to a different magazine - the chances are that they’ll find out and won’t use your images again - possibly ever!.

It is important to know the when selling your images to magazines. The minute you hit the shutter button you own the copyright. As standard practice magazines normally pay you for the right to use your image once. If they use the same image in five months time, they must pay you a second time and thereon after for continued use.

If your images aren’t as good as the images that are used in the magazine don’t submit them, seek help from The SWPP & BPPA, guidance under the Mentor Me Programme is free to member, will help you with your imagery.

Submitting substandard work will result in you will be wasting your own time and the time of the photo editor. Photo editors are very busy and get hundreds if not thousand of submissions every month. Try to improve your photography and submit at a later date.


Quality is vital, as noisy grainy photos from low-end digital cameras will have limited use to newspapers and especially magazines. If you want to sell the largest market (both web and print) then you will need good quality, well-lit, sharp, high-resolution images, taken with a high end digital SLR camera.


It’s a fantastic feeling to see your images published for the first time, which is only surpassed when the check arrives - good luck.

Find Newspapers and Magazines Here

England - Ireland Scotland - Wales - Northern Ireland - USA - Hong Kong



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We reserve the right to decide who is included on this directory, however trade listing are free of charge.

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