Wedding Photographer Leeds West Yorkshire, Kerr

West YorkshireSWPP LBPPA Qualified Member

Wednesday 26th March 2025


West Yorkshire

Catherine Kerr LBPPAThis shows the qualification attained by Catherine Kerr within the SWPP and associated societies.
Boho Chic Weddings
15 Moss Syke
West Yorkshire
LS14 3BL Map link for Boho Chic Weddings

tel:- +44 7973 266 393
mobile:- +44 7973 266 393
web address:-
facebook:- Boho Chic Weddings
Instagram:- bohochicweddings

Specialist Photographer for :-
Wedding photography
Portrait photography

an example of the images created by Catherine Kerr

Catherine Kerr has an Exhibition here.

My most treasured possession is my mum and dad's wedding album. You can't beat holding a special photograph in your hand. You can even kiss it and feel the love of the people in it.

For over 10 years, I've been photographing couples in love amongst people who love them, looking fabulous & enjoying an amazing day in their family history.

My photography style is natural with a swish of magic.

I photograph you being beautifully you, as well as moments and beauty others never noticed.

Meeting the real 'Poirot', photographing Jimmy Choo, exploring Italy, and discovering I could dance salsa are some of my life highlights!

A seaside and pistachio ice cream devotee, I live with my love, my photographer husband, and our cat, Monique, in the glorious Yorkshire countryside. I have convinced the husband that a pooch would enrich our home, but the cat still says, 'no'....

Photographing since my mum gave me a camera for my 10th birthday, I intend to carry on photographing forever, or thereabouts.

Boho Chic is all about The Love, harmony and for those who rock their own style. Let's talk now if this is for you.

Catherine Kerr LBPPA LBIPP

Commercial images

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