Wedding Photographer Boncath Pembrokeshire, Llewellyn

PembrokeshireSWPP LSWPP Qualified Member

Friday 28th March 2025



Mark W Llewellyn LSWPPThis shows the qualification attained by Mark Llewellyn within the SWPP and associated societies.
Mark Llewellyn Photography

web address:-
facebook:- Mark Llewellyn Photography
Linkedin:- in/markllewellynphotography

Specialist Photographer for :-
Wedding photography
Portrait photography

an example of the images created by Mark Llewellyn

Mark Llewellyn has an Exhibition here.

Mark W Llewellyn photographer in Berkshire

My Photographic Style: Traditional and storybook weddings

How long in photography: 30 years
How I Started in photography: Stand-in at a wedding for another photographer
Mr Personality: Fun and friendly
Geographic areas: South of England
Venues I have photographed at recently: Aldermaston Manor, Esseborne Manor, Elcot Park, Littlecote House
The photographer who most inspired me: Monte Zucker
My Photographic Training: Wedding and Portrait courses with Len Bateman. Fast Track to Licentiate
Interests other than photography: Computers, music, horses, skiing Major events.
What I like about the SWPP BPPA: Their enthusiasm
My Tagline: Capture the Moment

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which starts on Wednesday 15th January 2025

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