Photographer Sherman Oaks California, Lundin

CaliforniaSWPP Member

Thursday 27th March 2025


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We don't have a photo of
Diana Lundin yet


Diana Lundin
Diana Lundin Photography
5733 Natick Avenue
Sherman Oaks

tel:- +1 8184 815 214
web address:-
facebook:- Diana Lundin Photography
Instagram:- dlundin

Specialist Photographer for :-
Portrait photography

an example of the images created by Diana Lundin

Diana Lundin is a Los Angeles photographer specializing in dogs and cats and the occasional human. A former newspaper reporter, Diana has been recognized with many international awards and is the author of "Dogs Vs. Ice Cream," a Familius book published in 2019. She is a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America and received her Masters of Photography from the same organization in 2021.

Studio portraits

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