The DX100 fit easily into the back of the Wonder Photo Tour van
The summer of 2016 saw Fujifilm hitthe road with the Wonder PhotoTour initiative. From July toSeptember, Fujifilm travelled to keyfamily festivals around theUKgenerating interest and inspiringpeople to print their pictures - and theFrontier-S DX100 played aninstrumental part in the Wonder PhotoTour’s success.
The initiative wasdriven by Fujifilm’s passion to createan immersive and fun brandexperience that could educate as wellas entertain the general public.
In order to realise this objective, and tooffer visitors a unique free gift,Fujifilm took a single DX100 withthem on the tour. This allowedFujifilm to print the 1000s of bespokemagnetic prints quickly, efficiently andwith exceptional image quality, thatwere given away at every festival. TheDX100’s 0.2 square metre footprintmeant that it fit easily into the compactprinting area, in the back of theWonder Tour van.
Peter Wigington, MarketingManager for Photo Imaging atFujifilm: “The Frontier-S DX100 wasthe obvious printer to take on theFujifilm Wonder Photo Tour. Fast,reliable, cost effective and with asurprisingly compact footprint,DX100 is a powerful printer that canhelp you to take your event businessto the next level.”
For more information please contact or call 01234 572138
There are 24 days to get ready for The Society of Photographers Convention and Trade Show at The Novotel London West, Hammersmith ...
which starts on Wednesday 15th January 2025