
Gillian Lloyd - Speakers Corner - part 2 of 1 2 3

by Gillian Lloyd Published 27/10/2017


What’s the worst commercial error you have made to date?

How did you rectify the mistake?

The lessons learnt?

I wouldn’t call it a huge mistake, however trying to compete in a genre which I didn’t really care for as much as wildlife was an error. I started to do Boudoir and baby photography and spent time and money attending Wedding Fayres etc. My heart wasn’t in it and, although clients always seemed delighted with their images, I really didn’t find I was enjoying photography as much as I should have. Therefore, I stick to what I enjoy most i.e. wildlife and, if approached to undertake a photo shoot ( once in a blue moon) will only do on my terms and with people I like.

Is it getting harder or easier to make a decent living?
I couldn’t say I make a living from wildlife photography. Investment in time, equipment, travel etc is all self-financed and it’s only after images have been captured and processed that I can go to the marketplace to try and sell them.


How do you stay ahead of the game?
I’m not sure I am ahead of the game but I regularly deliver talks about my wildlife trips to groups such as Womens Institutes and Probus and have produced sets of cards from my images which I am able to sell at these talks. These talks allow me to stay visible and often lead to other opportunities. I sell images and sometimes articles to magazines, books and newspapers which keeps me with enough publicity to continue with what I love doing.

How do organisations such as The Societies of Photographers help?

Why is The Societies of Photographers Convention such a big deal for photographers?

Is it primarily about the chance to learn from the experiences of imaging icons?

I’m not the best organisation type person as being away such a lot prevents me from becoming a regular contributor and becoming involved. For me, the competitions give me an opportunity to see other photographer’s images which provide me with valuable inspiration. The convention is such an amazing place to listen and learn, put faces to names, make new friends and share photographic stories.

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1st Published 27/10/2017
last update 09/12/2022 14:54:43

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