
Stuart Wood's Tunisian Masterclass - part 1 of 1 2 3

by Stuart Wood Published 01/02/2014


Being as we are still in the depths of winter, although by the time that you read this we should have begun struggling to emerge out of the darkness and into the light, I thought that I would try to bring a bit of welcome sunshine to this issue's article. In the hope of infusing a little warmth to those unforgiving, cold mornings by dreaming of lazy summer days and far-off destinations, I have chosen an appropriate image that I shot when hosting my Photo Training Overseas Masterclass in Tunisia in 2012.

Now, as a typical job for me is turning up to some far flung corner of our realm without the benefit of any previous opportunity to view my location and without any chance of knowing what that location may hold in the way of suitable backdrops, I have had to get pretty good over the years at arriving at a destination and somehow making it work for me. Many has been the time when I have been sent to the most unglamorous places with instructions to get an image to grace a magazine cover!


So when I was asked to host four Masterclasses for the PTO, I thought that the best way to approach this would be to show the delegates as closely as possible, exactly how I manage to regularly come away with images that the client wants.

The particular location featured as the main image was actually the first thing that I noticed when I wearily dragged my luggage case across the omnipresent marbled reception when arriving at the hotel. I have always said that when I notice an image, a bicycle bell rings in my head and despite my exhausted entrance, thanks to the night-time 'red eye' from Manchester Airport, I still heard my bell ring loud and clear when my slumbering eyes surveyed the surroundings that would be mine for the next week.

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1st Published 01/02/2014
last update 09/12/2022 15:00:00

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