
i1 Display Pro ColorMunki Display - part 4 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

by Art Suwansang Published 01/06/2012

The i1Display Pro hardware is almost the same as the ColorMunki

Display with the exception of the logo and markings on the device.

What really separates these two apart is the software. The i1Display Pro uses the same i1Profile software that drives all of the advanced and high-end i1 spectrophotometer devices. The software will do everything that the ColorMunki Display can do plus it will give users additional control over every aspect of profiling from display backlit type, luminance level, down to the number of patches used in profiling.

The software allows users to load their own image to generate custom colour patch for profiling as well (fig.06). This feature is used to create a display profile that is geared specifically toward the type of photography that the users do; in addition, you can also load Pantone colour swatches from the included Pantone Library for profiling as well. Once all of the settings are made, you can save a custom colour profiling workflow for later use; this is really helpful when you are in a studio environment with multiple displays and workstations to profile.

Going beyond ColorMunki

The i1Profiler along with the i1Display Pro will go beyond the ColorMunki Display and measure your display uniformity as well. It does this by measuring nine different locations on the screen to ensure luminance and colour consistency throughout the screen; a useful add-on for extreme colour critical work (fig.07). One of the best things that i1Profiler does is the Display QA (Quality Assurance), this is where the software re-evaluates the display and display profile for colour consistency based on various industrial standard colour set andand generates a report with discrepancies values that may be used to plot in a graph for trending overtime (fig.08). Display QA reports the result with a value called Delta E, which is a comparative value for colour deviation used in de-termining colour accuracy. Lower Delta E value is associated with better colour accuracy and, in turn, better display or projection quality. This type of software with profile quality check is generally only built into higher-end professional devices that carry a much high price tag, which is really beneficial here.

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1st Published 01/06/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:42

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