
Convention 2016 Qualifications - part 1 of 1

by Mike McNamee Published 01/02/2016


The Societies were slightly overwhelmed by the number of panelspresented for adjudication, indeed some had to be turned away aheadof the Convention and held back for later. Even so, the gathering of somany fellows of The Societies is the perfect opportunity to conduct theassessments, particularly as it enables some of our overseas fellows toadd their expertise and experience to the process.

Panel Statistics

Licentiateship - 1 Entered (Upgraded to Associate)
Associateship - 4 Entered - 4 Successes
Fellowship - 22 Entered - 14 (two doubles) Successes

The bare stats tell little of the stories:As with the 20x16 judging, the adjudication is carried out in publicwhich adds to the learning process for potential applicants butsimultaneously adds a ton of stress to the applicant! Different applicantsreact differently to this peculiar form of torture; I held the shaking handof one lady as the panel pored over her month's of work and oh boy wasit shaking!


The process was emotionally charged on many occasions, perhaps nevermore so than for Mark Seymour's moving photo essay documentingthe decline of his father into the grips of Alzheimer's Disease. The wholeroom had become very tearful and although I was not there, the person Iasked about it later immediately started crying all over again! - who saysphotographs cannot be emotive?

It will be a struggle, but we intend to showcase all the successful panelsin forthcoming issues of Imagemaker but we will need to double andtriple up if we are to get them all in before Convention 17. As with the16x20 judging, our thanks go to the print-handling teams who not onlyput the panels up but also acted as support for the expectant applicants.

Many congratulations to the successful candidates and we hope thatthose who did not succeed will continue to strive towards their goals; wecollectively hate turning panels down but we are charged with criticallyjudging the work to the exclusion of all other views, friendships andbiases that we might have - it is never easy.

Alistair Campbell
Audrey Kelly
Nedine O'Brien (L upgrade)
Neil Shearer
Michalis Taliadoros
Angela Adams
Steve Allen (twice)
Anne Algar
Vicki-Lea Boulter
Jocelyn Conway
Terry Donnelly
David Edmonson
Luke Edmonson
Adrian Henson
Mark Seymour (twice)
Sarah Tate
Marilyn Taylor

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1st Published 01/02/2016
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:49

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