
Get on course... for success! - part 1 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Published 01/04/2013


Brett Florens Behind the Lens Wedding Photography Workshops

One of the things we learn as we get older is that we never stop learning. In terms of photography this is a good thing, because if you want to maintain your competitive edge and continue to attract both customers and cash, it doesn't pay to become complacent.

One of the ways to gain a fresh perspective on your career, or an idea of the direction in which you could (or should) be heading, is to undertake some form of photographic training. This can be anything from sitting in on a half-day seminar to embarking on an active tour to a far-flung photogenic destination.

Naturally time is money, so you'll be looking to learn from the best possible sources in order to maximise your investment. And that's where Professional Imagemaker comes in. We've rounded up a selection of offerings that should appeal to those looking to shake away the cobwebs, gain new skills, or set out a clear plan of attack for their business.


Whilst our recommendations include independent companies and outfits, don't forget too that The Societies also offers its own seminars, mini conventions, training days, evenings and more - which, as a member, you're automatically invited to attend. More on those options in a moment, but in the meantime here is our round-up of learning options to suit just about everyone...

Photographer, SWPP speaker and Nikon ambassador Brett Florens' professional remit takes in weddings, commercial photography, fashion and portraiture. This year he's offering workshops both in the UK and more glamorous locations including Florence, Vegas and Dubai.

One of the less far-flung is a two-day London workshop on 8 and 6 August with a second taking place in Edinburgh 15-16 August. On both, the first day takes in the theory, whilst the second day concentrates on the practical. Generally the workshops Brett is offering in Europe for 2013 are one- and two-day affairs.

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1st Published 01/04/2013
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:55

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