by Winston Ingram Published 01/12/1999
Hand Toning B/W photos
All of these photographs were taken on Ilford Delta 100, using a Mamiya RB 67 Pro S, with 140 mm macro lens, or 90mm for the full length shots.
Printed on Ilford multigrade, at grade 3, the negativess, and prints processed in Ilford P.O. universal developer. The print is then placed in a solution of Ammonium Metavanadate, and Potassium Ferricyanide NH3 V04, to bleach, and semi solorize. I then washed them, then I placed them in a bath of Poly Chromatic Dye, in some cases it is necessary to use more than one Dye to get the split tone effect- then wash, and dry.
There is great difficulty to tone two prints the same, therefor to enable reproduction, and preserve, I then copy onto colour negative, or slide as required, and produce colour prints for scanning, or display
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