
Happy to Share - part 2 of 1 2

by Andrea Barrett Published 01/11/2011


Coping with the downturn

On the Saturday Andrea and Mark will be delivering a seminar that will be highly pertinent for many of those finding times tough at the moment, when their subject is 'Surviving the Recession.' "It's a lecture I've delivered for the past two years," she says, "and we keep updating it to take account of changing circumstances. How do we all keep going in these tough economic times? We'll discuss marketing, business ideas, how to book weddings, closing the sale, etc. I've been photographing around 70 weddings a year now for the last 25 years, and I've survived a couple of recessions before and I'll be showing delegates how I'm going to survive this one too!"

Finally Andrea and Mark sign off on the Sunday with their final Masterclass, which covers the topic of creative wedding photography. "We'll be using this session to show delegates how to take 'killer' shots that make you stand out from the competition," says Andrea. "We'll also be covering how to light and pose your bride and groom for maximum impact, and this will be another practical session, with a 'bride and groom' provided."


It's clear from all this effort that Andrea is a great believer in the value of training and she sees it as a valuable way that professional photographers can set themselves apart from those who are not so serious about what they do. "The training that's on offer is one of the most important things that The Societies provides," she says. "Today's culture is all about someone picking up a digital camera and then calling themselves a professional, and to be successful you need to be able to offer a lot more than that."

It's difficult to imagine how Andrea could find time amongst all that teaching to take in anything from the Convention herself, but as usual she'll be trying to get to as many lectures as she can in-between her own sessions. "The ones I enjoy the most are those that cover the business and marketing side," she says, "as today you need business skills to succeed. We are looking for new business all the time, and after 25 years I'm still learning, still working hard and still winning awards. I can't complain!"

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1st Published 01/11/2011
last update 09/12/2022 14:54:56

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