
Paper Chase Ilford Galerie New Smooth Gloss and Pearl finishes - part 2 of 1 2

by Mike McNamee Published 01/08/2009


Overall the gamut volume of the new Ilford papers shows an excellent but not ground-breaking result for these papers. The improvement over the paper's predecessor was masked by the improvement in inkjet technology.

Colour Audit

We made colour audit test targets and collected the error data. Using profiles from the web, the results from each paper were inseparable, either visually or by looking at the average error data.

For a generic profile, the results are excellent. The average errors were a few hundredths either side of 3.0, that is better than the average (3.3 ΔE2000). The skin tones were desaturated by about 5% because the profile was mapping the neutrals down about 4 points blue. The Granger Chart showed some banding in the dark green areas but little to worry about.



For the monochrome specialist the profile mapped the greys to a clean, slightly cool neutral. Shadow detail was held down to 15 RGB points and up to 252 RGB points in the highlights - excellent results. The metamerism was 1.2 ΔE Lab (D65 to Tungsten A at 50% grey). Dmax was 2.26 for the Gloss and 2.29 for the Pearl (2.52 using Epson Advanced B&W). Gloss differential was only just detectable. Overall these are excellent results. Both papers exhibit a moderate level of OBA activity in the UV booth and about a 2% lift above baseline at 420nm.

We made prints using Epson Advanced Black and White using 'neutral' and 'light' settings in the 'Advanced' dialogue box. As expected, they showed tremendous level of detail.

We also made some 'difficult' images with lots of deep shadow detail. This too was well rendered

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1st Published 01/08/2009
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:09

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