by Angela Adams Published 01/02/2017
What's the one piece of kit – camera aside – you wouldn't be without and why?
Can I have two? My laptop and mobile phone. It would be tough to be without information for a couple of days – until my information addiction subsided.
What's the best single piece of business advice you'dlike to share?
When starting out, I initially thought that if I only delivered pictures that were technically better each year, my business would grow. However, I've learnt client needs are different to what I expected and there has to be high perceived quality, ie an emotive link.
Giving them a print that may have scored highly in competition at the SWPP, may be of lower value to them, compared to how a technically inferior picture makes them feel – as I've captured emotion and told a story that's special to them. Thus, the key to survive in business for me, is carefully considered marketing and excellent communication.
What do you love about photographing and why?
Photography makes the freezing of a moment in time possible. It allows us to tell a story and to make people feel emotions. How wonderful to be able to create a wedding album, where all friends and family are depicted within the pages – a priceless documentation of memories for generations to come.
I love photographing weddings!
Learning to become a competent photographer is a serious challenge, one that keeps us learning and exploring – what would you say is the most important challenge you've faced as a photographer?
In general, we need good goals, relevant strategies, much time to practise and quality feedback to improve. My current challenge, is frequently gaining and understanding quality feedback of my work. I undertake lots of study and training, but I’m still sometimes blind to the content of my pictures.
I'm good at predicting what judges will score another photographer's pictures when attending a competition, or studying statistics from photography competitions. However, it seems the emotive link I now have with my work, is clouding my ability to assess my own prints somewhat. Thus, finding a suitable mentor would be very valuable to me.
Also, it seems like a constant challenge to understand the evolving market, and how to optimise every step in the marketing funnel.
There are 0 days to get ready for The Society of Photographers Convention and Trade Show at The Novotel London West, Hammersmith ...
which starts on Wednesday 15th January 2025