
Dave Newman Draws Crowds to Chester - part 1 of 1 2 3

Published 01/10/2001

When the likes of Maz Mazru come all the way from Leicester and another chap sets off at 5 a.m. by train from Leeds, when a large number of Fellows and Associates of The Society are present, and a well supported mini trade exhibition is in attendance, then you know that The Society has put on a real treat for you. On this occasion our old friend Dave Newman from Salt Lake City, Utah in the good ol' US of A.

In this case his friend and digital convert "Epson Artist" Jim Chamberlain ably supported him Dave himself is getting into digital and his presentation was almost wholly done with digital "slides". However, he still had his trusty 30x24 canvases for people to view and admire.

Dave got the audience's attention immediately by throwing out some freebie toys (Thinks to myself: don't sit on the front row like a goodie-two-shoes, you'll miss out on these and will have to purchase them later on!). Dave explained that his studio is at a red light intersection (i.e. where vehicles have to stop at the traffic lights, so while they are waiting for the lights to change they look around and spot his studio. However, he found this area too small for his needs. True, space can be found quite cheaply on the 2nd floor (our equivalent is 1st floor), but he decided on a 'Creation Centre' 55' x 45' a short distance away to fill the gap. His main goal was to satisfy customers' needs and his main purpose was to make a profit. Sounds simple doesn't it, but how many of us actually practice this? There are three general areas to achieving these goals and purposes:

1. Marketing Managing - getting people in to the studio.

2. Creating - developing the skills, acquiring the tools.

3. Sales - mastering the sales tools, hiring help (salespeople) In considering his Portraits, he shoots about 4 wall portraits a day Depending on the size of the Family Group he uses the FADL Principle F - Focus where 1/3 in front and 2/3 behind the point of focus relationship is in the group. Closer studies may have to be at 1/2 to 1/2

A - Aperture. 1 stop down doubles the depth of field.

D - Distance. Doubling the distance, quadruples the depth of field. L - Lens choice. All lenses have the same depth of field.

With portraits he uses a telephoto lens. Head at the front of the group must be the same size as those at the back. Also lighting must be even, right across the group i.e. the one on the extreme left of the group must be as evenly lit as the one on the extreme right of the group. The goal in the camera room should be optimum quality. Make every exposure count.

In this respect he uses either a Mamiya Rz or a Fuji Si Pro.

Photographers create using: Artistic Visualization - Subject selection, Lighting, Posing, Angle of View. Scientific Capture - Film Types, Digital Camera, Lens Choice. Creative Manipulation - Enhancing, Printing, Surface Modification (e.g. pebble sprays) Digital.

At this point he suggested a word of caution. Great that digital is now becoming, it still cannot give information that film gives. He cited 5 lawsuits in one week that the PP of A have had to deal with, all concerning digital and this number is unheard of with conventional photographers. Psst! Digital users! Lost/can't retrieve your images from your memory card, etc. Try Drive Savers from California. They've even retrieved work from cards that have gone through the washing machine, but it's not cheap!

Briefly concerning promotions Dave said that such promotions are price sensitive and did you really want price sensitive customers? However, promotions involving families work well and help you to build up "store loyal" customers.

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1st Published 01/10/2001
last update 09/12/2022 14:56:56

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