
Corel Painter 11 - part 5 of 1 2 3 4 5

by Mike McNamee Published


The original Painter Classic, which came as a freebie with Wacom Intuos 1, had a paintbox interface that was purely designed for artists. Corel have refined Painter tremendously with every new version and the interface is now looking more like Photoshop, so for those new to the program it may make life a little bit easier. I do say that it helps to be able to draw - although there is an Auto paint feature, the outcome of which is somewhat difficult to predict, mostly the results tend to look like an 'Auto painting in Painter' picture.

I do recommend the book by Martin Addison - Painter 11 for Photographers (see call-out).

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last update 09/12/2022 14:57:17

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