
Portrait Professional Version 11 - part 1 of 1 2 3

by Mike McNamee Published 01/04/2013


Despite some pressure from look-alikes, Portrait Professional remains ahead of the game in the auto-retouching field. The latest version, accordingly, has some new and interesting features.

The most obvious, and the first that you see, is auto facial recognition which removes the need to place pin points on the cardinal positions of the face. The face is now mapped out almost instantly and seemingly with some accuracy. In the main only a few minor tweaks will be needed to the auto positioning, if any at all.


Although the auto facial recognition misplaced the baby's jaw outline, Portrait Professional still did a really good job, and improved the skin tones as well. No issues with Katie Green on the left, her face was perfectly marked out.

The 'children' setting has also been expanded so that it appears under male and female as 'girl' and 'boy'. This, as we found out, also includes babies. Retouching babies has always been problematic for both cultural and technical reasons but Anthropics seem to have found a compromise which applies a light touch while definitely creating improvements.

Changing the face of a consenting (or at least colluding!) adult is one thing, babies are quite another!

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1st Published 01/04/2013
last update 09/12/2022 14:58:08

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