by Mike McNamee Published 01/04/2005
The MonacoOPTIXXR placed on the front of the monitor. The screen shows part of the evaluation process. Each of the Macbeth Color Checker swatches is measured and reported. The average error is plotted on the trend graph shown, right. See notes in text.
In the last issue we concentrated mainly on the print profiling capabilities of Pulse. In Part 2 we bring you up to date on our more extensive print testing and move on to monitor calibration and evaluation. Pulse comes in a number of options. The MonacoOPTIXXR Pro is provided with additional facilities for monitor calibration and evaluation and in our opinion the extra £100 is worth ten times that amount! One of the nagging fears you have after profiling is "is it right? is the profile even working?"
The route to screen perfection is fraught and a number of questions always crop up. The list goes something like this:
• Is Adobe Gamma still resident?
• Is it disabled or is it overriding the other calibration software?
• Has Photoshop got hold of the correct profile?
• Where is my new profile stored?
• How long does my profile last before it needs re-doing?
• How do I know my profile is actually a good one?
• Is my monitor worn out?
• Can I profile two monitors on the same computer?
• Can I profile my laptop and/or its external monitor?
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