
Just who do you think you're shooting for? - part 1 of 1 2 3

by Brett Florens Published 01/04/2012


Who's pulling the strings?

Yes, we're here to do a job and make money, but let's face it, so many of us shoot like puppets for the client - we are 'bullied' into shooting in the style that they have in their mind. I agree, your client is your boss and you need to please them, but we mustn't lose sight of the fact that they have booked us because of the brand image that we have so carefully nurtured and portrayed through our advertising, blogs and websites.


You make the choice

With a little careful thought into your marketing, you can literally choose your client by the brand image you project. I can only speak from my own experience, so I will share some of my thoughts behind this concept. Instead of shooting and posting images that you think people want to see in order to book you - shoot for yourself and create images that you yourself are crazy about. Firstly, take an introspective journey and find out what inspires you. Research magazines, films, books, or anything that is visually stimulating. Then, at your next shoot, once you have your safe shots (as this client would have booked you for what you have shown them previously and will not be happy to get a completely unexpected result), shoot some images 'for yourself'. You will find that there will be clients out there who like exactly what you like - if you can get them to book you because they have a similar vision, that liberates you to shoot with confidence, knowing that the client will love what you have shot. You will find that you will be given carte blanche to create the images you desire - the trick here is knowing what you like.

You are currently on page 1 Contact Brett Florens

1st Published 01/04/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:58:53

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