Photographer Neston Cheshire, Lee

CheshireSWPP FSWPP Grand Master Photographer CrSWPP Qualified Member

Monday 17th June 2024



Thomas J Lee FSWPP Grand Master Photographer CrSWPPThis shows the qualification attained by Thomas Lee within the SWPP and associated societies.
44 Breeze Hill Road
CH64 9PY Map link for TemporalArt

tel:- +44 151 336 8216
mobile:- +44 7341 550 577
web address:-
facebook:- TemporalArt
Instagram:- tomlee1812
YouTube:- watch?v=8OKNmCSFmi4

Thomas Lee Qualification Panel.

Professional ImageMaker Articles by Thomas:

Specialist Photographer for :-

an example of the images created by Thomas Lee

Thomas Lee has an Exhibition here.

Over a 40 year career span, Tom has been a UK based international portrait and fine art photographer recognised for his expertise in digital image capture and has accumulated multiple international awards throughout. With a global reputation as a published author, he has written several books in his own right and collaborated with other renowned authors. He also writes extensively for the photographic press at home and abroad including 'Rangefinder', 'Professional ImageMaker', 'Digital Photographer' and 'Focal Points'.

Tom’s current interests revolve about alternative processes rooted in the origins of photography, such as Wet Plate Ferrotypes, Ambrotypes, Platinum Palladium, Van Dyke Brown, Salt and Cyanotype printing. Photography only became widely used and popular with the public from the 1850’s and the images produced were truly unique.

Artisans of the day worked at a much slower pace than today’s digital creatives and are a mix of the artist skill and alchemy.

Thomas is also a member of SINWP


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