
Asian Wedding Photography - part 1 of 1 2 3 4

by Clwyd Probert Published 01/11/2008


Pixcellence Photography was started by my partner Ray Graham in 2005. Ray was a talented amateur photographer who had been working in the motor trade for many years. His decision to start a completely new career coincided with my own move away from software development in The City. We bumped into each other in a country house in Shropshire and Pixcellence was born.

Like many things in life the original vision for the company did not play out in the real world and what we have now is very different from the vision we discussed three years ago. Our original plan involved a large amount of event photography, with some corporate and wedding work making up the mix. As it turned out we ended up shooting many more weddings during the main season with corporate and party photography filling in the gaps.

With any new enterprise it is important to make a plan and work the plan. We constructed a detailed business plan with financial projections and cost estimates. But flexibility is important so when things change you need to be able to revise your plan and change your direction. We never envisaged the scale of the wedding work that we would undertake or the domination of the Asian wedding photography sector to our work. Conversely it is important to recognise when something is not working. So many people get emotionally attached to an idea and stick with it beyond all normal reason. We are always trying to come up with innovative ways to improve our business, but we have a rule: try something once, if it does not work and you think you know why then change and try it again. If it still does not work then stop and try something else. We have used this rule very effectively in the application of our marketing budget. Everyone seemed to be spending large amounts of money on print adverts. We tried it, it had very little effect. We changed and tried again -still with no major impact, so we stopped. All our efforts are now concentrated on building a good online brand which is paying off.


Moving into the Asian market

From day one we had decided to concentrate on the mid to upper part of the wedding photography market. The margins were better and it gave us more control and the ability to be more creative in our work.

We received a number of enquiries from Indian couples who were looking for a more 'Western' approach to their wedding photography and we picked up on this idea and decided to market into this space.

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1st Published 01/11/2008
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:19

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