
The 48-Shot Wedding - part 6 of 1 2 3 4 5 6

by Mark Cleghorn Published 01/06/2009


Shot 23 - Bride with Dad in Car

Ok, so this is not the shot of the bride and her dad in the car but the bride arrived with her entourage so it's a similar shot, just different. There are times that I have to rely on flash to fully light the group, especially when working on dark and wet wedding days. However, I use the bounce card on the speedlite, or a Honl bounce card or the snoot accessories as a bounce, to help soften the flash and give a more even light.

Shot 24 - Bride Arriving

The bride walking to the venue with her dad or entourage will add to the relaxed informal selection with no real effort from my behalf, with the exception of being quick on my feet to get variety. I usually shoot from a different height, a lower stance than normal, will give a more fashion style to the walk, whereas any camera tilt will add to the momentum. That's it! Half the basics done and the couple have not even got married yet. Next issue the last 24 essential images to shooting a wedding. Check out the new Confetti & Lace IV - The Civil Ceremony on PhotoTraining4U, or you can buy it on DVD


If you want to see this bride and grooms album finished have a look on my own website - click on the Wedding tab and select Albums.

The link is

Quick Tip

The edge effect on the images is applied automatically using the frame effect plugins from onOne Software called Photo Frame. I am a firm believer in using actions as they are the secret to a quick workflow, as you will know if you have been on one of my workshops, but when a plug-in can do the job quicker and more efficiently in my eyes it's a no brainer'. The benefit of the Photo Frame Professional version is that I can batch all the images together and apply an effect to all images at once, so when designing the finished album the edge frame is a part of the images itself - very cool and time efficient.

Also in the next article I will introduce you to the SWPP & PhotoTraining4U new apprentices, chosen down from the hundreds of applicants. You will be able to follow the new apprentices on line as well as in Professional Imagemaker over the next 12 months, so keep watching.

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1st Published 01/06/2009
last update 09/12/2022 14:50:40

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