
Adobe Creative Cloud - 2016 Upgrades - part 7 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

by Mike McNamee Published 01/08/2016


The initial trials were less than impressive. As you can see in the screen grabs the system identified Baoli SC Regular as a match to the notice. Although it was flagged as being available, searching within Typekit for it resulted in a 'reject' message. It seems to be available as a system font on Mac OS Mavericks but not via Typekit. Things improved when we tried simpler tasks such as identifying Myriad Pro but we would have guessed that by looking at it anyways!


The choices offered as matches change with the text selection but Baoli SC was always one of the otpions even though it is not available in Typekit unless you upgrade to Maveriscks (we think!).

Content-Aware Crop

Photoshop CC now uses content-aware technology to intelligently fill in the gaps when you use the Crop tool for rotating or straightening an image, or expanding your canvas beyond the image's original size. This facility has also been available when aligning and blending layers while making panoramas , for example. It suffers from the same hit and miss failures that Content Aware always falls prey to but is nevertheless a welcome upgrade of functionality rather than a new feature.

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1st Published 01/08/2016
last update 09/12/2022 14:50:51

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