
Chromakey 2.0 - part 2 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

by Tom Lee Published 01/10/2012


The Mk 2 Litering is manufactured from high-impact polycarbonate, making a small but welcome reduction in weight. The new generation of LEDs are more efficient and set behind a semi-opaque diffuser. This allows for alternate LEDs to be either green or blue, controlled by a switch on the new digital controller. Using a 10' Chromatte (curtain) background, the light fall-off from corner to corner is less than half a stop using less than half the original LED array! The beauty of this arrangement is that the photographer can switch between a green or blue chromakey at the flick of a switch on the new controller. A godsend if an object or some clothing colour-conflicts with the chromakey spectrum.


Illyana is magically transported from an unlit hotel room to more imposing surroundings.

The new digital controller is bang up to date with power settings in percentage and individual levels, up to 255 steps. The power setting can be adjusted differently for green or blue LEDs, although I've not found a need to do this yet. Best of all, the controller is now powered by a standard video battery (Sony NP-F970 or equivalent), no longer needing to be powered from the mains - all trailing leads have gone. The power socket has been retained, however, so if your battery runs out, there is a back-up.

During testing I went for two weeks before it dropped appreciably. Yes, it has a battery power indicator as well! There is a cable between the Litering and controller which I found too long, but shortened it by forming a loop and securing this with cable ties. The controller has a facility for a belt loop or strap, but one is not provided. It was a simple matter to fashion a fastening from an old lanyard for fixing to my belt. The result is a more efficient, versatile and lighter device for about the same cost as the original equipment.

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1st Published 01/10/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:26

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