
Vicki Knights and Eddie Judd Profile - part 1 of 1 2 3

Published 01/10/2015


Vicki Knights and Eddie Judd will be presenting a Masterclass together atthe Convention 2016. Between them they'll share a wealth of experience onhow to ensure that every family portrait session you book is a success. 'Manyphotographers feel nervous about on-location family shoots,' says Vickiwhen I ask what they'll be talking about in their Masterclass. 'They can tendto be quite unpredictable, especially when young children and the Britishweather are involved so we'll be sharing our secrets for preparing clientsand ensuring the shoot flows from start to finish.'

Eddie and Vicki are both parents too, so their advice on posing children iscoming straight from experience of both shooing other people's familiesand their own! 'We'll be talking about getting parents and their children onyour side,' Eddie tells me. 'And we want those who attend to feel confidentthat they can go away and create a great experience for their clients. If youhave happy clients then you are going to find they are much happier withtheir images!'


Meeting on Twitter several years ago, Vicki and Eddie found that they livedquite close to each other. They soon met up and now spend time together,not only as work colleagues but also with each other's families. 'It's greatto have someone to chat about business with because photography canbe a lonely profession at times,' says Eddie when I ask about the benefits ofnetworking with other photographers.

Their Masterclass 'How to Make Every Family Session Flow' is scheduled forSaturday afternoon of the Convention and promises to be full of advice foranyone who has ever felt that their family portrait sessions didn't quite goas smoothly as they hoped.

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:33

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