
Vicki Knights and Eddie Judd Profile - part 2 of 1 2 3

Published 01/10/2015


Vicki Knights

'I set up my photography business in 2008just after the birth of my first son. I had alwaysloved photography, and when my son wasborn it seemed like the perfect time to work formyself.' Vicki doesn't have any formal educationin photography, however, a weekend course, amountain of books, a few internet forums anda lot of hard work put her on the right trackto turn professional. 'Prior to setting up mybusiness I worked in advertising, marketing andsales which gave me a really good grounding forrunning my own business. As we all know, mostof our hours worked are spent without a camerain our hands so I'm lucky that I love the businessside of it as much as the photography side.'

It took Vicki a couple of years to develop her style,but her images are now unmistakable. 'A fewyears ago I started using the strap line 'Beautifulphotography for expressive families' which Ithink sums it up well. My work is colourful, funand expressive. Natural and unposed, but notdocumentary in style. It's about capturing theconnection and special relationships betweenfamily members.' But what advice does Vickihave for someone looking to develop their owndistinct style? 'Pull out your 10 favourite photosthat you've ever taken and then work out whatthose images have in common. Show yourfriends and family and see what words they saywhen they see those images. And after eachshoot think about what kind of images you'rereally drawn to. Those things should help youtake more of the photos that you love.'


The majority of Vicki's clients come to herthrough word of mouth. 'Delivering an amazingexperience to my clients means that they wantto go away and tell all of their friends aboutme. I don't really advertise, so the rest of myclients find me online, either via a search engineor social media.' Constantly working hard topromote herself on social media and improveher SEO means that Vicki now ranks highlyon Google's search, but it's been a long roadto get there. 'Getting your work published onblogs is a great idea. Not only is it good from amarketing perspective but getting back-links toyour website is currently one of the best thingsyou can do from an SEO standpoint. But youmust send your work to them - don't wait forthem to contact you!'

But what is it that Vicki really loves about her job?'I've just always loved photographing children.When I went travelling before having my ownfamily, I used to come home with hundredsof photos of the local children rather than thelandscapes! I love photographing the job ofchildren and the connection that they havewith their parents.' But it was part frustrationtoo that kick-started Vicki's ambition to go intobusiness; 'When I had my first baby I wantedto book a natural shoot outside with him, butI couldn't find anyone who was offering thattype of photography. I realised that I couldn'tbe the only person who wanted this style ofphotography so I started offering it myself. I feelvery passionately about family photographyand love that I am capturing a moment intime for that family which will be passed downthrough the generations.'

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:33

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