by Mike McNamee Published
Throughout, it is easy on the eye - because Gry Garness does this specialised job for a living, the great and the beautiful have beaten a path to her door and it shows in the images. For this reason also many of the retouch examples are subtle so you have to pay attention and look hard; near flawless models only require a small amount of retouch!
The example of body sculpting is a case in point. The model has a pretty exotic body shape to start with and so all Gry has to do is a little pushing and pulling here and there. The technique, though, is universal and shaving a few pounds off the fuller figure of a bride might earn you a friend for life! Watching this (and many of the other) tutorials gives you an indication of the very thorough approach that the author takes; nothing is left undone. Even so these are real jobs not trumped up tutorial examples to make life easy.
At £130 the set may seem very expensive, but work it out as £10 per hour of teaching and it seems more reasonable; you should certainly expect to recover your investment after a couple of retouches providing you charge realistically for your labours. This type of retouching is not for the entire wedding album, it is far too involved and intricate for that, this is more for the one-off, premium product, wall portrait or your exhibition work.
A question that is posed is whether you need both the DVD set and the e-book. The e-book is certainly more comprehensive and in some ways its higher resolution helps in assessing the effects; we reckon that the 'people who bought this also bought' column will generally show both the DVD and the e-book! Neither will disappoint, they come highly recommended. The e-book also provided a more complete set of tutorial files - a general criticism of this set (and of many others of the same ilk) is that the authors seem unwilling, or are unable to obtain permission, to distribute the original source files, so that the pupil can work with the same images; it is a far more powerful learning tool when done that way.
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