
Vicki Boulter Profile - part 1 of 1 2 3

by Vicki Boulter Published 01/10/2015


Despair at Gallows Gate

1. In just one sentence, what is yourdefinition of a creative image?
A creative image for me, is an image made up of avariety of ideas, skills, processes and mediums to tell astory in a descriptive and visual way.

2. Are creative images part of your incomemix?
Yes. 100% of my income is now made from creativework.

3. Do you sell creative images as prints orcards or for stock?
Yes, all of those.

4. How do you go about idea generation?
I draw inspiration mainly from the source. If I amworking on a creative portrait or children's image(99% of the time). By discussing ideas with the personI am working with I pick up on personality traitswhich make me think of colours, textures, feelingsand emotions ... I'll pick up on words which will bediscussed which will then lead to connected ideas.For instance if the person before me mentions theylove being near the sea - I start thinking of aquatones, tranquil atmospheres and sand betweentheir toes! But I may have someone come in with anaggressive personality, who may also mention the seaand I might start thinking of rough seas, waves andmonsters and see creatures ... every idea is drawndirectly from the source of the image.



5. Do you keep scrap-book or notebook ofideas?
Yes. I have since I was tiny.

6. Do you make concept sketches?
I make sketches before every image I make, often I willintegrate some of my markings, splashes or doodles into the image itself!

7. Do you paint or sketch in non-electronicmediums?
Yes daily. I have always drawn for relaxation.

8. Do you visit art galleries?
Yes. I feel very much at home in The National PortraitGallery!

9. Who are your favourite image creators?
Picasso, Dali, Goya, Diane Arbus, Rikki O Neill, VincentO'Byrne ... The list is long!

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 15:00:05

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