Timeless Portraits Photography Competition Current Entries

More info on how to enter click here: Timeless Portraits Competition

Congratulations to Aaron Karnovski with this image entitled "A Bad Hair Day". Aaron from Kent has won 6 months membership to Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers. Aaron explains "A Bad Hair Day" is a photograph of my then 8 month old niece and is part of a series called "Anticipating The Moment". Despite her age, Issy gave me a wide array of expressions and poses in just a few moments behind the camera. The rest of the images can be see in the gallery at www.azkportraits.co.uk

  • Timeless Portraits Competition

  • 1st Place see HERE
    2nd Place see HERE
    3rd Place see HERE
    Highly Commended see HERE
    Enter new Competition 'Faces' HERE

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