
The Art of Vicki Boulter - part 4 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Published 01/06/2013


Models: Sophie Parsons, Lonely Clown - Alana Miller

I have always loved editing; I have invested many many hours developing my skills in this area because this is what I enjoy doing most. Photoshop gives me the only tools I need in post production to create the photographs I want to produce. I have never had a course in Photoshop, and I was never taught it at college as I am 'old school' and it was not around then (A few tries at Aldus Freehand and many hours in darkrooms experimenting are my only memories of post production at college), so I am self taught by trial and error and by watching the odd You Tube tutorial. Today I use CS6 and continue to teach myself new tricks on it daily. I don't think I will ever know anywhere near as much on it as I would like to, but I will continue to experiment on it until I get somewhere near what I want to know I guess.


This image responds to the YouTube link: http://youtube/GZU3ZJPIJcs (which shows how it's done from start to finish)

I gather inspiration from listening to people. I have an empathetic nature and create a concept and image of a client/person in my head of her whilst we are talking and discussing her thoughts. There are no lengths I will not go to to create the image I want to produce once it is my head, when you think up peculiar ideas sometimes you have to go to great lengths! So if that means shooting underwater, in the sea, in the air, whatever - then so be it... very often my images are floating or swimming, so this is often the case.

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1st Published 01/06/2013
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:17

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