
Inside Story - part 1 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

by Rick Friedman Published 01/01/2014


As a photojournalist Rick Friedman has had the inside track on many major stories, and the list of subjects he's photographed reads like a who's who, and includes a number of past and present US presidents.


The enthusiasm radiating from Rick Friedman, a photojournalist based in Boston on the US's east coast, is contagious, and it's clear that he's one of those people who eats, lives and breathes photography. A glance through his busy blog gets you up to speed: he's out there on a regular basis, shooting pictures of President Obama one day, organising a twilight shoot of Boston another, continually stretching himself, interacting with the photographic community and thoroughly immersing himself in every aspect of his trade.

Now Rick is preparing himself to come and talk at The Societies' Convention in January for the first time - although he's previously had a series of location lighting workshops in this country sponsored by the SWPP - and already it's looking like a hot ticket for the delegates who sign up. One thing's for sure: it won't be a sedate little session, and those who make it along are going to go away not just with some fresh skills under their belt but fired up to put what they've learned into practice.

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1st Published 01/01/2014
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:14

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