Fashion or Glamour Portraits

Joseph_Zammit_FashionThese images will demonstrate the skills of a professional photographer and why you should use an experienced photographer when you are looking for a Fashion or Glamour Photographer.
Professional lighting techniques and the use of simple props, many of which the professional photographer has to hand in their studio produces powerful fashions portraits.

A close up study that would look terrific as a portrait hung in any home.

professional lighting techniques along with the photographers skill has produced a strong portrait

The use of drapes and studio lighting, along with the professional photographers skill has produced an image that would look terrific as a portrait in any home.

A skilful professional photographer has the experience to create a classic portrait. They use years of experience in posing to create a timeless masterpiece.

Bright vibrant colours have been used to create this modern study

Modern digital photographic techniques are used by professional photographers to produce powerful images that are highly creative.

Classic posing combined with professional studio lighting has created a portrait which captures the subject in a memorable moment.

Not all professional portraits are shot in the studio, this stunningly lit portrait has been created with skill.

Portraits can be a great deal of fun and reflect the personality and charm of the subject.

Professionally taken portraits can be created by the skilful professional photographer

Classic lighting has created a timeless portrait, enhanced by the 'moody' feel of the expression. Not every portrait needs to be laughing or grinning, more often or not a more serious express can create a powerful image.

Artistic creative photographers can produce a stunning study that would look terrific as a wall portrait.

The use of just black and white has created a powerful nude study, a technique often adopted by professional photographers.

Art images can be created by skilful professional photographers, creating images that have a timeless quality.

When choosing a professional photographer look for a member of the SWPP, a list of members can be found at:  'Find a Photographer Directory'

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Corporate Partners

Aaduki Photographic Insurance Loxley Colour - Professional Photo Printing Services PermaJet - The Inkjet Paper and Canvas Specialists The London Photography & Video Show Elinchrom Studio & Portable Lighting MPB


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