Pet Portraits

Professional photographers use lenses that can photographer close up, keeping the image incredibly sharp.
Pet portraits can make great gifts, they can really capture the the cuteness of a loved pet.
Pet photographers have the experience and skills to perfectly capture two of a kind.
Cats can be difficult to capture by the inexperienced, yet a professional pet photographer captures the moment.
Some pro's photograph on location or make a purpose built set to photograph small animals.
Creative professional photographers and add a great deal to your pet portrait.
Not all shots are taken just looking at the camera, this professional has managed to catch these two a great angle.
Using studio props a pet portrait to treasured can be created by the experienced photographer. The use of professional studio lights has added a quality feel to the pet portrait.
Expression is everything and this pet has been caught at just the right moment.
Not all pet portraits need to be photographed in the studio, many professionals will undertake commissions on location.
When choosing a professional photographer look for a member of the SWPP, a list of members can be found at: 'Find a Photographer Directory'