Qualification Structure - How to apply
Qualifications - Getting Started
Firstly, read the following pages and decide which level of qualification you wish to apply for but please note that the system is progressive. Therefore it would be neither logical, advisable nor even permissible to consider a direct application for Associate or Fellow without having your feet on the first rung of the ladder (Licentiate).
If you are not sure if your work is up to any of the required levels, simply
utilise the benefits of the Mentor Me Programme. If you are not working digitally, you can send a selection of small proof prints and a contact sheet. Be aware that these are not normally returned. You also will be sent a report of your images by email. PLEASE NOTE: THIS ADVICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE SUCCESS but is intended to let you know if your work is in the right ballpark.
When do I apply?
Licentiate qualifications are judged on a monthly basis. All other qualifications (Associate, Fellowship, are judged quarterly please contact Head Office for further information.
Some general points
If your submission is to be judged as a printed panel, please supply a diagram of how you wish the prints to be arranged in advance..
The identity of the photographer must remain anonymous except by means of the application form.
Images should be presented with the same care and consideration, as you would do for any of your clients.
All photographs should be presented in a uniform size.
Presentation will be taken into account and images should ideally have been taken in the previous eighteen months.
The decision of the judges is final.
If I pass?
You will receive your certificate and a letter of congratulations. Time to get out the champagne and arrange some press coverage.
If I fail?
You will receive your prints back together with a critique
(digital submissions only).
Licentiate details here
Associate details here
Fellow details here
Further helpful information here
IMPORTANT NOTE: It may take up to a month to receive feedback from the Qualifying Judges depending on the time of year and workloads. Please be patient, as we will make our best endeavours to get back to you as speedily and efficiently as we can.
Payments may also be made in US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Danish Kroner, Euro, New Zealand Dollar, Swedish Krona, Swiss Francs or Australian Dollar.
Photographic Qualifications Recognition
As from February 2009 all qualifications and distinctions must be applied for through submission of work.