Associate Qualification
Associate of the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (ASWPP)

What we expect of an Associate
The notes for Licentiate submissions also apply to Associate images, but with the added requirement that we wish to see far more creative interpretation, better choice of location, more thought and faultless technique. We recommend participation in the Mentoring Programme to assist you in making an application. If in doubt please contact head office for advice.
Digital Submission for Associate- Guidelines
We are mindful of the needs of our members, who for the most part operate within the digital arena. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to open up the accessibility of submission for qualification in a more contemporary and practical manner by allowing panels of high quality digitally captured images to be presented.
To try and avoid any confusion in making a digital submission for your Associateship qualification we feel that it is essential to lay down a number of guidelines.
- Unless otherwise agreed with the ‘Societies’management team a digital submission will take the form of 20 Images in JPEG format, sequentially numbered 01 to 20 with no prefixes whatsoever. A separate contact sheet of all 20 images must also be included
- Each file should not exceed 4MB
- The files should be placed in a single folder and inserted in to a zip folder for electronic upload to our upload facility.
- The zip folder should be named as follows: for example - Keep them images to 2000 pixels on the longest side
- Ideally you should enclose a short note stating your current position, experience, aspirations and outlining any relevant training you may have undertaken.
Print Submission for Associateship
A submission of
20 prints is required, at 20x16” mounted on to board no thicker than 8mm.
(mixed wedding/portrait panels are not acceptable).
In the case of all other submission your application should be in a singular discipline i.e. Landscapes, pictorial, illustrative, commercial etc. If in doubt please contact head office for advice.
Further advice on submissions and the requisites for a successful Associate application is available via the Mentoring Programme.
What it costs
Apply for qualifications
Successful Associateship Submissions
Associateship in Wedding and Portrait Photography
Associateship in Illustrative Wedding and Portrait Photography
Stefanie Blochwitz IASWPP | Emily Hancock IASWPP |
Apply for qualifications