Ask Aaduki
Insurance questions asked by Societies' members.
Q: Hi Aaduki,
I joined the SWPP about 2 years ago but have never had insurance. The big
problem is I live in Malta and I cannot find anyone here that will cover me
for what I need. Do you have any suggestions?
J, Malta
A: Aaduki says: There is a problem with members that live overseas unfortunately. All insurance has to be regulated in the UK by the FSA and as such insurance companies need their permission to "trade" in other countries as well as permission from the regulator of that country. However, on a brighter note, Aaduki is looking to expand at the moment, and I am hopeful that by the end of the year, or early next year, we will be able to insure in €'s in Malta, Cyprus, Greece, Denmark and Norway. We can already cover Southern Ireland though!
Q: Hi Aaduki,
I have looked at a number of insurance policies and they all say to be covered from theft from unattended vehicles my equipment must be locked in the boot. The trouble is I drive an estate car and it only has a parcel shelf not a boot! Can I get cover for this?
D, Berkshire
A: Aaduki says: You should check with your insurance company if they will allow this and read the small print in regards to theft from unattended vehicles. I cannot comment on the insurance company you are with - but can I say Aaduki would cover it provided the equipment was out of sight, the car was locked and the theft occurred in what was your working day. Just make sure you do not have any external advertising showing that you are a photographer - if you do then I am not aware of any insurer who would cover you!
Q: Hi Aaduki,
I want to take some pictures from a helicopter but my insurer will not cover me - apparently there is too much of a risk! I don't understand what the problem is can you help?
J, Renfrewshire
A: Aaduki says: There is more of a risk in case you drop your camera and it hits someone - from the height you are it will undoubtedly kill them and that would be a BIG Public Liability claim. Having said that, if you are taking reasonable precautions - remaining strapped in, camera secured round your neck etc then it is unlikely there is anymore of a significant risk than if you were on the ground. If you cannot get cover form your current insurer then give our office a call. You will have to have an annual policy with us but we can extend the cover to helicopters! By the way, make sure you're not piloting it - unsurprisingly, insurers aren't keen in extending cover if you are...
Q: Hi Aaduki,
As well as taking pictures I do some web design work and sell websites. Would I be able to cover this under one policy?
G, Staffordshire
A: Aaduki says: A difficult one this - it depends on what you are designing, for who, and if you are providing the images or sourcing them elsewhere. The best thing to do with this kind of policy is to give us a ring at the Office on 020 3633 2280. We should be able to do it - but sometimes insurers get funny so you may have to have 2 policies. Whatever you do, don't just assume you will be covered - you need to discuss it with us first!
Q: Hi Aaduki,
My son who is a travel photographer is going to do some stock images overseas for about 11 months and all the insurance companies I have spoken to say that if he goes over 6 months he is not classified as a resident of the UK and they can't offer insurance! I have managed to find one company that does 9 months but this isn't really enough. Can you suggest anything?
F, Devon
A: Aaduki says: It is quite usual for most companies to have a limit and I am impressed that you managed to find 9 months with one! We do have a specialist insurer that will cover unlimited worldwide and whilst it costs a little more, the peace of mind is priceless! Give us a call at the office and we should be able to sort this out for you no problem.
Q: Hi Aaduki,
I earn most of my money from wedding photography work but have been told by my current insurer that I need employers liability (EL) as I have someone assisting me and the additional premium is over £200! It is always my daughter that helps out and I seem to remember reading somewhere that I don't need EL for members of my family is this right?
N, Devon
A: Aaduki says: Completely correct! You do not need EL cover for immeadiate members of your family although you will need it for anyone else or if you are a Limited Company with one more than one director as that is law no matter who the other director is! The other way around this is to add your daughter onto the policy, therefore becoming a "named policyholder" and that should have the same effect as all the benefits and cover will cross to them too. If your insurance company still don't like this then give me a ring and I will get someone at our Office to sort it out for you.
Q: Hi Aaduki,
On a recent trip to the USA I was made to put my camera equipment in the hold of the aircraft and luckily I had put it all in a Peli case! I had called my insurer before I set out, just in case this happened but they told me they would not cover it in the aircraft unless I paid a hefty premium on top of my annual fee. Is this usual?
P, Cornwall
A: Aaduki says: It varies between insurers but some do charge extra and others won't cover you at all! Aaduki autopmatically give you this cover as long as you have packed the equipment in a proper carry case ( like a Peli case) at no extra charge on your policy!
Q: Hi Aaduki,
If I am shooting a wedding in a church and have 2 cameras one on a tripod and one in my hand, would I be covered if the camera on the tripod was left unattended for a short time whilst I put the other camera away in my car? My current insurer won't cover it and I am unable to carry both cameras at the same time! What do you suggest?
B, Belfast
A: Aaduki says: I would suggest that your current insurer does not understand what it is like to be a professional photographer trying to make a living! Switch insurance companies is my advice. We would cover this on our policy as long as you weren't leaving it unattended for hours - it is simply ridiculous to suggest otherwise. I hope that you didn't discover this when you needed to make a claim but my advice is to switch as soon as possible - this company obviously cannot offer you the cover you need!
Q: Hi Aaduki,
I have just qualified as LSWPP does this mean I still need insurance? Surely I am less likely to make mistakes now.
V, London
A: Aaduki says: If you are working you need insurance - Public Liability at the very least! After all, if someone trips over your tripod and sues you it would be irrelevant that you feel the "mistake" was not yours. After all, you put the tripod in its position and it belongs to you so therefore it is your fault! My advice is to get PL cover straight away if you don't have it and I would recommend Professional Indemnity too if you are undertaking wedding work. If you choose not to insure your cameras that is up to you but you MUST have the liability cover - unless you can afford to pay a claim up to £2 million pounds of course....
Q: Hi Aaduki,
What is the difference between Public Liability and Professional Indemnity? I still get confused which one I need if any for my wedding work?
G, St. Albans
A: Aaduki says: My advice is to get both! Public Liability covers any liability you may face for causing an accident to a member of the public. This is almost a MUST as I suggested to V from London above. Professional Indemnity covers your "failure to produce work to a professional standard" for whatever reason for example inadvertently wiping a digital card of images or the lab losing the film. It pays to cover your costs and in extreme circumstances, to reshoot the whole wedding and with the average cost of a wedding now at £18,500 it is worth having! There is a special deal for both PL and PI cover exclusive to the SWPP with us for £110 - give us a call at the office as this is not available online.
Q: Hi Aaduki,
I am more of a hobbyist photographer although I do the odd wedding for mates. The trouble I have is that I work for the Army so l am based in Germany for a year at the moment and no-one seems to want to cover me!
G, Germany
A: Aaduki says: It is understandable that most insurance companies won't cover you as they believe you are "domiciled" outside of the UK. Aaduki I know look on this differently as you are still based at a barracks in the UK and therefore are UK based - even though you are serving abroad! Cover from us won't be a problem, although you may pay slightly more for being out of the country for so long, but be aware - there would be no cover for war zones or anywhere the "average person in the street" could not visit! Ring us to find out more..
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Call us on 020 3633 2280 for more advice or if you have a specific question.