Articles about Photographic Insurance

Photographic Articles about Insurance.
Articles provided by Professional Imagemaker magazine and Aaduki Multimedia
Photography Insurance
- Welcome to Aaduki Multimedia Insurance
- Buildings Shop and Studio Cover
- Business Interruption & Business Money
- Employers Liability
- Equipment cover
- Other Business Property
- Portfolio and Library
- Professional Indemnity
- Public Liability
- Wedding Insurance
Photography Insurance Articles
- Travel Photography Insurance
- Wedding Photography – What insurance do I need?
- The Importance of Drone Insurance
- The nightmare of an equipment claim scenario
- Professional Indemnity Insurance – The Sunset Clause and why it’s needed for more than just weddings
- I am thinking of buying a Drone to use - what are the insurance implications?
- Ask Aaduki - Insurance questions asked by Societies' members.
- The Great Public Liability (PL) Shuffle - how much do I actually need?
- At what age do you want to retire?
- How secure is your future?
- Public Liability and Professional Indemnity
- Safest places to live
- House Buildings and Contents as a photographer
- Legal Expenses cover for photographers
- A question of photography insurance...
- Do I really need Employers Liability Insurance (EL)
- Professional Photographic Equipment Insurance
- Public Liability and Professional Indemnity
- Wedding Insurance
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Preparing to shoot weddings
- Insurance Companies - What do I need covered for my Photography Business?
- How could I protect myself and equipment at a wedding?
- If I have to make a claim on my Insurance how can I be sure that it will go through quickly?
- What does "New for Old" actually mean and why do insurance premiums go up with it?
- Should I insure my photographic equipment and laptop for use as a professional?
- How much of a risk is it if I travel without Insurance on holiday or for work?
- Shooting and short term contract abroad and the insurance you should carry
- Why making sure you have the right insurance form the beginning can save you time, money and heartache!
- When the worst happens and I need to claim insurance how do I make sure everything goes through quickly and easily?
- Work Experience, Trainees & 2nd Shooters. What insurance do I need?
Call us on 020 3633 2280 for more advice or if you have a specific question.