10 Tips for Having a Happy Honeymoon

You have planned your ‘big day’ for so long, the day arrives and now it’s off on your honeymoon. It should be a magical, memorable experience, but things don't always work out that way for some couples so plan very carefully and enjoy.

Here is a list of the top ten ways to ensure that you'll have the kind of honeymoon you've been eager for from the moment you got engaged.

Pay for your wedding without using credit

If you've gone into debt to pay for your wedding either by racking up bills on credit cards or taking out a loan to cover the costs, then you're going to have that debt looming over your heads while you're trying to enjoy your honeymoon. Saving for your wedding and cutting corners on expenses whenever possible is a much better way so you don't have to borrow money or, at least, so you don't have to borrow as much.


Choose honeymoon location you can afford.

While you may have dreamed of going to an exotic location for two weeks for your honeymoon, if you have to struggle to cover the costs then the trip isn't going to be much fun. Having to keep close count of how much you spend really ruins the fun. If you're on a budget, choose a more affordable honeymoon spot and save up for that more expensive trip so you can take it together a few years down the road. Many resort locations now include ‘all inclusive’ packages, so while it may seem to cost a little more expensive initially you do not have anything else to pay for once there.

Leave pets, plants, and the kids in good hands.

No matter what living things are your responsibilities you will not be going to be able to enjoy yourself if you have any doubts about how well they are being taken care of. Your most important priority needs to be finding someone you trust completely to take over these responsibilities while you're away. In fact, some couples have even taken their pets and/or their kids along for the honeymoon – it may not seem as romantic but it does give them peace of mind, though the plants can probably stay at home!.

Do check all reservations a week in advance.

One of the worst things that can happen on your honeymoon is for you to arrive at the airport, hotel, the rental car agency, etc. only to find that your reservations have been lost. So about a week before the wedding – you should contact every place where you have reservations and make sure those reservations are in still in place and you are expected. Also, take down the name of the person who told you the information so if a problem does arise when you arrive you'll be in a position to proof the mistake was on their end and not yours

Be careful about sun and what you eat.

Don’t throw caution to the wind for by trying everything and anything, our bodies get used to our daily diet and food in other countries may just upsets the balance, also lazing on the beach can cause problems if you are not accustom to it. So if you are spend all day on the beach applying enough sunscreen. You may eat food without knowing precisely what it contains or how it was prepared. As a result, some honeymoons are ruined by severe sunburns, allergic reactions, and food poisoning. When you're away from home, you should still use the same precautions you would take at home, though do take with you some indigestion tablets and sun screen with you.

Make contingency plans in case of bad weather.

Honeymoons, like most holidays, typically involve a lot of outdoor activities but the weather doesn't always cooperate fully. While a thunderstorm or cloud burst may spoil your beach plans, it doesn't have to destroy your whole day. Plan a few indoor activities and be flexible about your schedule so if it rains one day you can switch your activities around and still enjoy yourselves. So do pack a good book and some magazines, this can also be a great opportunity for the two of you do discuss plans for your home improvements or even your next trip

Protect yourself from stolen or lost money and credit cards

Honeymoon will be a disaster with the loss of your money and credit cards. You may not be able to stop that from happening completely, but you can take precautions so that if you do lose your money you'll still be in good shape. Consider traveller’s cheques and make multiple copies of them so if they are stolen you can have them replaced almost immediately. Split the money and credit cards up between both of you so if his wallet is stolen you don't lose everything and then further subdivide the cash into two wallets or a money belt. Many hotels have a safe in your room, keep some of your credit cards and traveller’s cheques tucked away there so if you lose something you won't lose the lot.

Pack appropriate clothing and accessories.

You shouldn't pack every outfit you own, but you should bring enough clothes so if there is a shift in the weather maybe a sudden cold spell, for example – or a fancier restaurant you want to dine at then you'll be prepared. Make sure to bring a jacket, and umbrella, buying these items while you're on your honeymoon can be both expensive and anti-climatic.

Don't over do it.

No matter where you decide to go for your honeymoon, you'll probably be able to create a mile long list of things to do and see while you're there. However, if you try to do too much then you'll end up running into big trouble. It's very easy to become exhausted, especially when you combine the effects of air travel and wedding stress. Don't plan to do anything on the first day or so of your honeymoon except relax, then for the rest of the trip take it slowly and give yourself plenty of chances to recuperate.

Remember the real reason for the trip.

The best way to ensure a happy honeymoon is to remember that you're on the trip for one main reason: to enjoy each other's company. Nothing else - the food, the money, the weather – really matters as long as you're able to spend each day together.

And finally

It is back home for a rest to recover from your trip and look forward to seeing your wedding photographers that have been prepared by your professional photographer.

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